Energy auditing and refrigeration station testing of biopharmaceutical plants

Yang Zixu, Gao Yijun, Xiao Hansong, Chen Wei and Shi Wenxing


 Biopharmaceutical plant is characterized by large air flow volume and high energy consumption due to the strict temperature and humidity control and high cleanliness level requirements. In order to develop energy saving technologies for biopharmaceutical plants, it is urgent to figure out the energy consumption and distribution characteristics of their clean air conditioning systems. Conducts performance measurements and energy audits on four biopharmaceutical plants, analyses the energy consumption characteristics through test data, and focuses on the existing deficiencies and energy saving potentials of the cold and heat source equipment and systems. The results show that the air conditioning system is the main energy-consuming system of the biopharmaceutical plant. The energy consumption of the air handling urlit (AHU) and refrigeration station accounts for about 70% of the total energy consumption of the air conditioning system. The operation strategy of the cold and heat source equipment needs to be optimized. At the same time, the system energy efficiency can be improved by enhancing the operation management level.